Monday, February 16, 2009

ScribeFire and Zemanta Team Up To Create a Smarter Blog Editor

Desktop blog editor ScribeFire has integrated content discovery tool Zemanta in its latest version.

After installing ScribeFire, you can launch Zemanta from its toolbar. As you write posts, it’ll provide recommendations for related articles and images, based on the content you’re working on. If you’re a registered user, you can personalize the experience, adding preferred sources for content discovery, and connect with your friends on other social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

What makes this partnership interesting is the fact that people who use a desktop blogging tool such as ScribeFire might actually benefit more from Zemanta’s content discovery features, than users who are blogging within their browser windows (granted, ScribeFire is also a Firefox add-on) and have dozens of tabs opened at all time. Or am I reaching too far here? If you’ve tried the latest version of ScribeFire with Zemanta integrated, let us know what you think.

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